Cloud Management Technology

CLASSACT provides reliable security technology and cloud operation technology to build and deploy a stable and safe system.
These technologies are packaged according to customer needs to provide a highly usable cloud operation and security environment.
To this end, CLASSACT is developing a Kubernetes-based container management tool.

Trust Execution Environment technology

CLASSACT Provides an Intel SGX-based container orchestration
environment to ensure the safe execution of user applications against
security threats such as hackers, cloud platform providers, and bugs.

The Memory Security Technology protects the system from attacks
(ex. malware, administrator hijacking, privilege elevation, others.)
from the OS and VMM layers that are not covered by storage or
network encryption technologies supported by existing security

Container management technology

Using the Kubernetes engine optimized for container management,
CLASSACT has the technology to control the operating system
such as container provisioning of cloud services, application upgrades,
and user management.

In addition, the use of containerized application workload management and
network configuration and storage management technologies are used to
more efficiently operate server resources and ensure the high availability of
in-service applications